Amur Corktree
Leaf Characteristics
  • broad, flat leaves
  • compound leaves
  • pinnately compound
  • margins toothed
  • similar in size and shape
  • leaves opposite
  • short stems
  • leaflets regularly toothed
  • whole leaf 10" to 15" long
Amur Corktree
Fruit Characteristics
  • other fruit (not cone, winged, acorn, or in pod or capsule)
  • without husk or capsules
  • loose, not packed tightly together
  • whole fruit less than 1 inch
  • fruit without strap-like modified leaf
  • not like rasperries
  • fruit not at end of single stalk
  • loosely clustered
  • various colors but leaves not modified
  • round, dark red to black
  • 0.5" in diameter
  • without stone or pit
Amur Corktree
Phellodendron amurense

The Amur Corktree is a native of Asia and has been introduced into this country for its unusual ornamental qualities. A 51-foot specimen was recorded in Franklin County, Ohio in 1988. The Amur Corktree has thick, corklike bark that is deeply fissured. Its branches are massive and they spread widely. These traits give the tree a distinctive appearance during winter. The flowers, on the other hand, are small and indistinctive, and the leaves drop quickly in autumn. The Amur Corktree is simple to cultivate and it grows quickly and vigorously. The trees produce either male or female flowers. The seeds, when present, produce seedlings with almost unwelcome ease. Sometimes the tree escapes from cultivation and grows wild. Landscapers plant the Amur Corktree as an ornamental, but more for its appearance in winter than for more typical reasons. Apparently, it has no other commercial value.

Tree Size height 40' - 50' Bark Twig and Buds Flower